For a powerful sense of belonging !

Immersion Rock Montréal
July 5, 2021 marks the opening of Immersion Rock Montréal! Already, nearly 300 rock stars have walked the Musicopratik grounds in a variety of dynamic programs!
Patrick Mainville, founder and general manager of Immersion Rock Montréal, drew on his professional and personal background to launch a major project to reconnect young people with a passion, as the Covid-19 pandemic has hit them hard. It was when he saw his own daughter locked away at home, unable to enjoy her usual activities, that he took the plunge!
Immersion Rock Montréal takes root in the rehearsal studios of Musicopratik, a well-established Verdun enterprise since 2005, where over 2000 musicians a month come to rehearse their art. In these fully-equipped premises, offering an environment completely tinted with the colors of rock (continuous background music, red soundproofing panels, walls adorned with posters of the biggest names in rock, small on-site boutique, etc.), Immersion Rock Montréal students are immediately immersed in a unique musical universe.
Immersion Rock Montréal aims to reach as many young people as possible, throughout Quebec and beyond. With a team of professionals completely dedicated to the cause of young musicians and people in general, major projects are constantly on the table, and the message is slowly growing in scope.

Founder and CEO
First instrument – Guitar.
Other instruments – Bass, mandolin, banjo, harmonica, drums.
Number of years in the business – More than 25 years.
Bands with who you play – WD40, Les Parfaits Inconnus.
Personnal projects – Creating Immersion Rock Montréal, the coolest music venue in the world!
Social networks
My e-mail

Operations director
First instrument – Singing and guitar.
Other instruments – Drums, a little bit of piano and bass.
Number of years in the business – More than 15 years.
Personnel projects – AnnieClaude Bandcamp
Social networks
My e-mail

Program manager and coach
First instrument – Piano.
Other instruments – Tout le reste (guitare, basse, batterie, voix, flûte, clarinette, saxophone alto, ténor et baryton, trompette, trombone, tuba, etc.)
Number of years in the business – For over 20 years + 10 years as a music teacher.
Bands you play with ? – Abbey / AnnieClaude / Different studio projects.
Personal projects – My own singer-songwriter project.
Social networks
My e-mail